About DCBS
Dhosa Chandaneswar Bratyajana Samity (DCBS) is one of the leading grassroot development organizations working since 2003 for the marginalized families focused with women for their socio-economic development in rural Bengal and part of Bihar states in India through credit, skill development training, marketing support to the small entrepreneurs and farmers for their sustainable livelihood. Besides these DCBS also working on renewable energy, water & sanitation, readymade garment manufacturing sector, promotion of FPOs and OFPO. Since inception DCBS has served one lakh plus women with a cumulative credit of INR200crore.
It has registered under West Bengal Societies Registration Act XXVI of 1961 in 2003.
DCBS is also registered under FCRA, NGO Darpan – NITI AAYOG, GST and 12AA & 80G of Income Tax Act.
Beside these all, DCBS has the memberships of MFI networks both national and regional levelslike; Sa-Dhan, AMFI-WB, CLEAN, Guide Star India (No.962).
DCBS is registered society in CSR FORM 1 under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Registration No. : CSR00001050, Dated 07th April 2021
DUNS Registration No. 861168845 Dated 10th June 2021 under DUN & BRADSTREET.

Transformation of lives and livelihoods of rural poor by poverty eradication through effective financial services and promote socio- economic development with participatory, sustainable and transparent manner.
Reaching rural people by fostering sustainable development through Financial Services, Agri- Livelihood, Skill development and Renewable Energy in West Bengal and neighboring states.
- To empower women and creation of women enterprises through micro-credit operations.
- To provide and access to loans to marginalized people living in un-served areas of rural India for their sustainable livelihood.
- To operate and provides sustainable solutions in renewable energy products and developed village entrepreneurs.
- To promote skill development and marketing linkages among unemployed youths & underprivileged women to secure sustainable livelihood.
- To facilitate and formed FPOs & OFPOs among local producers towards better technology adaptation, productivity enhancement and marketing chains development.
- Commitment to sustainability
- Customer Value
- Gender Equality
- Assurance to innovation and excellence
- Transparency
- Accountability

Participatory Ensure participation of all stakeholders.
Inclusion Support to economically and socially vulnerable families to enhance quality of life.
Sustainability All programs should sustain based on economic, environment and capacities of the communities to plan and action by themselves
Our Partners
Banks & Financial Institutes